De origine romana scriitoarea canadianca NINA MUNTEANU este unul din cei mai titrati scriitori de SF&F din tara artarului, recent nominalizata la cel mai prestigios premiu SF din Canada-AURORA- pentru cartea DARWIN’S PARADOX, Nina Munteanu a acceptat sa-i iau un interviu pentru blogul FANSF dar si pentru cititorii din tara noastra.
Nicu: In primul rand un salut calduros de la fanii tai romani si multe multumiri pentru acest interviu in exclusivitate.
Nina: You are welcome. I am very pleased to be here.
Nicu: Ce ne poate spune scriitorul Nina Munteanu despre omul Nina Munteanu?
Nina: I am an ecologist, writer, mother and passionate advocate of Gaia (the planet Earth). Both my fiction and non-fiction writing reflects my faith in Earth and the altruistic evolution of humanity. I worked for many years as an environmental consultant, educating industry to protect the environment. My passion for writing eventually led me to a full-time career as a writer and teacher of writing.
Nicu: Ce te-a determinat sa abordezi acest gen de literatura(sf&f)? Exista ceva anume in viata ta care a dat impulsul spre acest gen?
Nina: My interest in SF & F started when I was very young. I read comics and loved the fantastic. My sister and I used to create entire worlds from our imagination and spent hours storytelling. When I discovered Ray Bradbury, he became my hero and I wanted to write stories like him! Bradbury is a master of metaphor and science fiction is the best genre for metaphoric writing. Science fiction is the literature of change. It ultimately explores our very humanity and identity in the universe through our reactions to the unfamiliar and “the other”. Most of my books and short stories explore some aspect of humanity’s place in the world, how we relate to the environment and with each other and where we are going.
Nicu: Urmarind des site-ul am vazut ca ai un atelier de scris, ce te motiveaza pentru a intretine acest atelier?
Nina: I enjoy teaching (I taught university biology courses for over 20 years) and mentoring. Part of why I am able to maintain a career as a full-time writer, is that I teach writing. I find it very satisfying to help other writers achieve their potential and publish as I have. I have been told that I have a gift for translating difficult subjects into something achievable and simple. It is very satisfying and pays well. Individual coaching and teaching online gives me the freedom to travel and live wherever I wish.
Nicu: Exista scriitori in formare sau deja lansati de acest atelier? Esti mandra de ei si de ceea ce faci?
Nina: Yes. I have coached several writers in their short stories, novels and memoirs toward publication. Several have successfully published their works after taking my programs and receiving my coaching advice. It makes me proud and very happy to see them succeed. It is the greatest fulfillment for a teacher.
Nicu: Ce sentimente ai avut cand ai lansat prima carte “Angel of Chaos”? Povesteste-ne despre ideea care a stat la baza cartii.
Nina: As with every book I have published, I was very excited and grateful. “Angel of Chaos” was not the first book I published, although its story takes place before “Darwin’s Paradox”. The first book I published was “Collision with Paradise” (in 2005) and I can hardly describe my joy and excitement when I received the offer to publish it by Liquid Silver Books. It felt like I had crossed a threshold and could finally call myself an “author”. I had already published numerous short stories and articles, but nothing compared to a first novel! I felt 10 feet tall!
“Angel of Chaos” (published in 2010 by Dragon Moon Press) is a prequel to “Darwin’s Paradox” (published in 2007). This medical/ecological thriller explores how the main character, Julie Crane (a “veemeld” with the power to talk to machines in her head) came to have her “gift”. It takes place in future Toronto after a political revolution (by ecologists and technologists) and during the onslaught of an industrial plague. As a scientist and ecologist, I bring my thoughts and concerns for the environment into my stories.
Roman recent nominalizat la Aurora Award.
Romana nominalizat la Gaylactic Spectrum Award
Roman nominalizat la Ecata Reviewers Choice Award.
Nicu: Cum lucrezi, mai ai timp si pentru atelier dar si pentru scris? Cum se impaca viata de familie cu scrisul?
Nina: Yes! The challenge is to find the balance. I spend much of my time promoting my writing and my teaching. I also spend a considerable amount of time designing and teaching my courses as well as coaching and editing other writers. When my son was growing up at home and I had a full time job as a scientist, I “stole” time late at night, after everyone went to bed. My husband did not like this very much but accepted my need to write and promote my writing career. Now that my son is in college and I left my consulting job to pursue my writing full time, it is different. I don’t have to “steal” time at night. But there is a lot to do when you work for yourself! I have learned to play and work at the same time!
Nicu: Spune-ne in cateva cuvinte ceva despre Collision with Paradise, The Cypol, The Last Summoner, Outer Diverse, Splintered Universe and Natural Selection.
Nina: “Collision with Paradise” and “The Cypol” are both romantic science fiction thrillers. “Collision with Paradise” (2005 by Liquid Silver Books) tells the story of a woman space pilot, in search of a previously lost mission, who crashes on a jungle planet and finds a link to Atlantis on Earth. “The Cypol” (2006 by eXtasy Books) follows the story of a young human slave who rebels against the machine city that forbids books and reading. “The Last Summoner” (due in 2012 by Starfire World Syndicate) is about a young baroness who can change history. It starts in Medieval Poland on the eve of the Battle of Grunwald and spans history to future Paris. “Outer Diverse” is the first book of The Splintered Universe Trilogy (by Starfire World Syndicate), which will be released October 2011. The trilogy follows the adventures of Rhea Hawke, Galactic Guardian, as she tries to solve the massacre of a religious sect. “Natural Selection” is a collection of acclaimed short stories that follow the theme of environment and evolution. It will be published in 2012 by Pixl Press (an Imprint of Starfire World Syndicate).
Roman in lucru ,care va aparea in iunie 2012.
Carte ce va fi lansata luna viitoare la Montreal.
Nicu: Darwin’s Paradox a fost nominalizata la cel mai prestigios premiu SF canadian-Aurora, cum te simti in aceasta postura?
Nina: I was very pleased with the nomination. It was a privilege and represented great recognition for achievement.
Nicu: In curand in Romania va aparea si aceasta carte, povesteste-ne despre ea. Aici se pare ca informatiile mele au fost eronate cartea care va aparea in romana si va fi lansata la tirgul de carte din toamna asta se numeste SCRIITORUL DE FICTIUNE ; FII PUBLICAT! APUCA-TE DE SCRIS!
Nina: I was told that “The Fiction Writer: Get Published, Write Now!” (Scritorul de Fictiune: Fii Pubicat, Apuca-te de Scris!) will be the first guidebook in Romania on “how to write fiction”. I am both humbled and thrilled by this. I know that there are many good writers in Romania who will benefit from this guidebook. The guidebook covers all aspects of storytelling including elements of craft (e.g., language, premise, plot and character) and marketing such as writing the query letter and book summary for editors and agents. The book includes the advice of many well-known experts and writers with examples from my own experience and writing exercises.
In aceasta culegere a aparut si povestirea Ninei „Angel’s Promises”
Nicu: Vei veni in aceasta toamna pentru prima data in Romania si la lansarea acestei carti, ce sentimente te incearca?
Nina: I am very excited about my first trip to Romania and to Bucharest. I have always wanted to come to Romania, since I was young and my father told me stories about it. I know it is a beautiful country and I hope to visit the countryside and meet many people. My Romanian isn’t very good, but I know we will be able to communicate without words.
Nicu: Esti o ecologista neinfricata, de unde aceasta pasiune?
Nina: My interest in ecology comes from my passion for life and beauty and my personal mission to help maintain the well-being of our planet Earth and Gaia. I often find myself serving as a bridge between two worlds (e.g., between science and art, intuition and logic, intellectualism and the practical, past and future) … I grew up with an older brother and sister and often served as mediator or prize between them!
Revista unde a aparut nuvela „Practic Yours” marca Nina Munteanu.
Nicu: In incheiere citeva cuvinte fanilor si cititorilor din Romania.
Nina: The power of the word is infinite. Writing bridges all forms of communication between peoples and cultures and beliefs through metaphor, poetry, artistic honesty and love. History was given to us by writers. Writers are artists who interpret our world and our truths. A world without the writer to report our truths is a world without a conscience. The fiction writer uses plot and subplots to move a story and its characters through a textured and colored tapestry of theme. Revenge. Love. Forgiveness. Atonement. We are all stories, after all, and we all have many stories inside us. It is my hope that Romanian writers will flourish in a new world that supports artistic expression in all its aspects and truths. “Scritorul de Fictiune: Fii Pubicat, Apuca-te de Scris!” (“The Fiction Writer: Get Published, Write Now!”) is a tool for that writer.
Nicu: Acesta este interviul, am incercat sa comprim cam tot ce ar fi de spus despre tine si pasiunea noastra comuna SF-ul. Chiar acum pregatesc postarea pe blog despre tine si opera ta , sper ca vei fi incintata si multumita.
Nina: Multimesc!
Mai multe informatii veti gasi aici Nina Munteanu, the Writing Coach:
The Passionate Writer:
The Alien Next Door:
Darwin’s Paradox website:
Darwin’s Paradox Worldwide Press Release:
Praise for „Darwin’s Paradox„:
„Perfect for any collection appealing to avid science fiction readers.” – Midwest Book Review (Reviewer’s Choice)
Darwin’s Paradox is „a thrill ride that makes you think and tugs the heart.” –Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Rollback
Praise for „The Fiction Writer: Get Published, Write Now!”:
„The Fiction Writer is at the top of the required reading list for my Writer’s Workshop students!…the quintessential guidebook for the soon-to-be-published.”–Susan McLemore, Writing Instructor
Iar aici mai jos desi Nina a scris la comentarii, cuvinte frumoase care merg la inima :
Multumesc, Nicu! I’d like to share with you the preface to the Romanian edition of “The Fiction Writer” (Scritorul de Fictiune):
M-am nascut in Granby, Quebec in Canada. Inca de mic copil, tatal meu, Ilie Munteanu, originar din Kovin, Iugoslavia, si-a dedicat timpul sa imi infiltreze elemente pe care noi le-am mostenit din patrimonial romanesc. Insusindu-mi tot mai mult din literatura romana, a carei radacini le gasim in balada si folclor, tata ne-a tinut treji inainte de culcare, atat pe mine cat si pe fratii mei, cu povesti alegorice pastorale dramatice. Spre fericirea noastra, nu s-a incumetat sa ni le cante, asa cum cerea traditia, fiindca nu avea ureche muzicala.
Tatal meu a fost un scriitor excellent si un povestitor talentat, ceea ce am aflat ulterior ca este o trasatura caracteristica romanilor.
Romanilor le place sa citeasca. Si multora (dintre noi) le place sa scrie. Limba si comunicarea au jucat dintotdeauna un rol deosebit in cultura noastra. Suntem de asemenea artisti pasionati. Brancusi, Lipatt. Ionescu. Tzara. Creanga.
Alegoriile lui Popescu-Gopo.
Odata cu caderea comunismului si cu dezvoltarea Departamentului de Literatura Comparata al Universitii din Bucuresti, dupa doisprezece ani de hiat impus, scriitorii romani se bucura de o perioada renascentista, de libertate si exprimare artistica.
Am experimentat si eu acest lucru la inceputul anului 2003, cand Mircea Pricajan m-a invitat sa colaborez la revista de avant-garda, Imagikon, singura publicatie de acel gen in limba engleza, e-zine din Romania. Imagikon a fost vocea unei generatii noi de scriitori, doritori sa exploreze si sa exprime identitatea romaneasca prin “fantastic” si “the other.” Am simtit acea scanteie de energie neingradita si liberatoare a scriitorului nou, care renaste chiar in fata propriilor mei ochi. M-am simtit onorata si umila in
acelasi timp ca am avut posibilitatea sa colaborez la aceasta revista.
Am speranta ca editia romaneasca a acestui ghid de fictiune le va da posibilitatea si ii va ajuta pe cei interesati sa schimbe fata literaturii romane. Versiunea engleza este de mare success pe continental Nord-American. A fost adoptata de numeroase departamente de scriere creativa din cadrul unor universitati si colegii din Statele Unite si Canada. Sper sa va placa.
Nina Munteanu
posted by voicunike
Multumesc, Nicu! I’d like to share with you the preface to the Romanian edition of „The Fiction Writer” (Scritorul de Fictiune):
M-am nascut in Granby, Quebec in Canada. Inca de mic copil, tatal meu, Ilie Munteanu, originar din Kovin, Iugoslavia, si-a dedicat timpul sa imi infiltreze elemente pe care noi le-am mostenit din patrimonial romanesc. Insusindu-mi tot mai mult din literatura romana, a carei radacini le gasim in balada si folclor, tata ne-a tinut treji inainte de culcare, atat pe mine cat si pe fratii mei, cu povesti alegorice pastorale dramatice. Spre fericirea noastra, nu s-a incumetat sa ni le cante, asa cum cerea traditia, fiindca nu avea ureche muzicala.
Tatal meu a fost un scriitor excellent si un povestitor talentat, ceea ce am aflat ulterior ca este o trasatura caracteristica romanilor.
Romanilor le place sa citeasca. Si multora (dintre noi) le place sa scrie. Limba si comunicarea au jucat dintotdeauna un rol deosebit in cultura noastra. Suntem de asemenea artisti pasionati. Brancusi, Lipatt. Ionescu. Tzara. Creanga.
Alegoriile lui Popescu-Gopo.
Odata cu caderea comunismului si cu dezvoltarea Departamentului de Literatura Comparata al Universitii din Bucuresti, dupa doisprezece ani de hiat impus, scriitorii romani se bucura de o perioada renascentista, de libertate si exprimare artistica.
Am experimentat si eu acest lucru la inceputul anului 2003, cand Mircea Pricajan m-a invitat sa colaborez la revista de avant-garda, Imagikon, singura publicatie de acel gen in limba engleza, e-zine din Romania. Imagikon a fost vocea unei generatii noi de scriitori, doritori sa exploreze si sa exprime identitatea romaneasca prin “fantastic” si “the other.” Am simtit acea scanteie de energie neingradita si liberatoare a scriitorului nou, care renaste chiar in fata propriilor mei ochi. M-am simtit onorata si umila in
acelasi timp ca am avut posibilitatea sa colaborez la aceasta revista.
Am speranta ca editia romaneasca a acestui ghid de fictiune le va da posibilitatea si ii va ajuta pe cei interesati sa schimbe fata literaturii romane. Versiunea engleza este de mare success pe continental Nord-American. A fost adoptata de numeroase departamente de scriere creativa din cadrul unor universitati si colegii din Statele Unite si Canada. Sper sa va placa.
Nina Munteanu
Am urcat comentul tau in postare deoarece cuvintele scrise de tine vin din suflet si din inima si sunt prea frumoase ca sa fie lasate acolo si sa nu fie vizibile pentru public.
Dear Nina,
Thank you for this interview Nicu. Nina is a outstanding teacher, mentor and have been participating in her online Master Class courses, using the Fiction Writer. The effectively has enabled me to write and blog. I am now writing a book. Vanessa
Felicitari Nicu pt acest superb dosar de autor. Cei interesati de activitatea Ninei vor putea citi si in Gazeta SF o serie de articole, incepand cu numarul de maine. Ma bucur ca ii pregatim cu totii Ninei o primire frumoasa!:)