Alfred Bester-The Demolished Man (Omul Demolat) Pygmalion (1994), Nemira (2008)
1954-No Award
Mark Clifton & Frank Riley-They’d Rather Be Right (Mașina Eternității) Cristian (1994)
Robert Anson Heinlein-Double Star (Stea Dublă) Cristian (1994)
1957-No Award
Fritz Leiber-The Big Time (Marele Joc al Timpului) Pygmalion (2002)
Winner James Blish-A Case of Conscience (Un Caz De Conștiință) Cristian (1994)
Robert Sheckley-Immortality Inc. (Immortality Inc.) Savas Press (1993), Aldo Press (1999)
Robert Heinlein-Have Spacesuit-Will Travel
Algis Budrys-Who?
Poul Anderson-The Enemy Stars
Winner Robert Heinlein-Starship Troopers (Infanteria Stelară) Cristian (1993), Pygmalion (2003)
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.-The Sirens of Titan (Sirenele de pe Titan) Humanitas (2009)
Gordon Ronald Dickson-Dorsai!
Mark Phillips-That Sweet Little Old Lady
Murray Leinster-The Pirates of Zan
Winner Walter M.Miller Jr.-A Canticle for Leibowitz (O Cantică pentru Leibowitz) Fahrenheit (1996)
Poul Anderson-The High Crusade (Cruciadă în Cosmos) Nemira (2000)
Theodore Sturgeon-Venus Plus X
Harry Harrison-Deathworld
Algis Budrys-Rogue Moon
Winner Robert Heinlein-Stranger in a Strange Land (Străin în Țară Străină) Vremea (1999)
James White-Second Ending
Clifford Donald Simak-Time Is the Simplest Thing
Harry Harrison-Planet of the Damned
Daniel F.Galouye-Dark Universe
Winner Philip Kindred Dick-The Man in the High Castle (Omul din Castelul Înalt) Nemira (2006)
H.Beam Piper-Little Fuzzy
Arthur Charles Clarke-A Fall of Moondust
Marion Zimmer Bradley-The Sword of Aldones
Winner Clifford D.Simak-Way Station (Halta) Pygmalion (1995)
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.-Cat’s Craddle (Leagănul Pisicii) Polirom (2004)
Frank Herbert-Dune (Dune) Nemira,Adevărul
Andre Norton-Witch World
Robert Heinlein-The Glory Road
Winner Fritz Leiber-The Wanderer
Cordwainer Smih-The Planet Buyer
Edgar Pangborn-Davy
John Brunner-The Whole Man
Winner Frank Herbert-Dune (Dune) Nemira (1991), Adevărul (2009)
Winner Roger Zelazny-This Immortal/…And Call me Conrad (Nemuritorul) Pygmalion (1994)
Robert Heinlein-The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (Luna E o Doamnă Crudă) Vremea (1997)
John Brunner-The Squares of the City (Orașul ca un Joc de Șah) Ovidiu (1994)
E.E. ’Doc’ Smith-Skylark DuQuesne
Winner Robert Heinlein-The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (Luna E o Doamnă Crudă) Vremea (1997)
Daniel Keyes-Flowers for Algernon (Flori pentru Algernon) Humanitas (2003)
Thomas Burnett Swann-The Day of the Minotaur
James Schmitz-The Witches of Karres
Randall Garrett-Too Many Magicians
Samuel Ray Delany-Babel 17
Winner Roger Zelazny-Lord of Light (Domn al Luminii;Lordul Luminii) Nemira (1995,2007)
Samuel Ray Delany-The Einstein Intersection (Intersecția Einstein) Pygmalion (1995)
Robert Silverberg-Thorns
Piers Anthony-Chthon
Chester Anderson-The Butterfly Kid
Winner John Brunner-Stand on Zanzibar (Zanzibar) Nemira (1995,2007)
Alexei Panshin-Rite of Passage (Ritual de Trecere) Multistar (1993)
Samuel R.Delany-Nova
Clifford D.Simak-The Goblin Reservation
Raphael Aloysius Lafferty-Past Master
Winner Ursula Kroeber LeGuin-The Left Hand of Darkness (Mâna Stângă a Întunericului) Nemira (1994,2007)
Norman Spinrad-Bug Jack Barron (Bug Jack Barron) Adevărul (1993)
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.-Slaughterhouse Five (Abatorul Cinci) Univers (1983), Polirom (2003)
Piers Anthony-Macroscope
Robert Silverberg-Up the Line
Winner Larry Niven-Ringworld (Lumea Inelară) Teora (1997)
Wilson Tucker-The Year of the Quiet Sun
Hal Clement-Starlight
Robert Silverberg-Tower of Glass
Poul Anderson-Tau Zero
Winner Philip Jose Farmer-To Your Scattered Bodies Go (Lumea Fluviului:Înapoi la Trupurile Voastre Răzlețite) Nemira (1996,2007)
Robert Silverberg-A Time of Changes (Timp al Schimbărilor) Pygmalion (1995)
Roger Zelazny-Jack of Shadows
Anne McCaffrey-Dragonquest
Ursula K.LeGuin-The Lathe of Heaven
Winner Isaac Asimov-The Gods Themselves (Zeii Înșiși) Teora (1993)
Clifford D.Simak-A Choice of Gods
Robert Silverberg-Dying Inside
Robert Silverberg-The Book of Skulls
Poul Anderson-There Will Be Time
David Gerrold-When Harlie Was One
Winner Arthur C.Clarke-Rendez-Vous with Rama (Rendez-Vous cu Rama) Multistar (1991), Lucman (2002)
Larry Niven-Protector (Protector) Teora (1997)
David Gerrold-The Man Who Folded Himself
Poul Anderson-The People of the Wind
Robert Heinlein-Time Enough for Love:The Lives of Lazarus Long
Winner Ursula K.LeGuin-The Dispossessed (Deposedații) Nemira (1995)
Christopher Priest-The Inverted World (Lumea Inversă) Nemira (2007)
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle-The Mote in God’s Eye (Lumea Pay:Contactul;Înfruntarea) Teora (1999)
Philip K.Dick-Flow my Tears, the Policeman Said
Poul Anderson-Fire Time
Winner Joe Haldeman-The Forever War (Războiul Etern) Pygmalion (1999)
Robert Silverberg-The Stochastic Man (Omul Stocastic) Vremea (1997)
Alfred Bester-The Computer Connection
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle-Inferno
Roger Zelazny-Doorways in the Sand
Winner Kate Wilhelm-Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (Unde,Candva,Suave Păsări Cântătoare…) Pygmalion (1994)
Joe Haldeman-Mindbridge (Conexiunea Psi) Teora (1995)
Frederik Pohl-Man Plus (Proiectul Omul Plus) Pygmalion (2003)
Frank Herbert-Children of Dune (Copiii Dunei) Nemira (2005)
Robert Silverberg-Shadrach in the Furnace
Winner Frederik Pohl-Gateway (Poarta) Pygmalion (1996), Nemira (2008)
Gordon R.Dickson-Time Storm (Furtună de Timp) Nemira (1997)
George Raymond Richard Martin-Dying of the Light
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle-Lucifer’s Hammer
Marion Zimmer Bradley-The Forbidden Tower
Winner Vonda N.McIntyre-Dreamsnake
Tom Reamy-Blind Voices
C.J.Cherryh-The Kesrith
Anne McCaffrey-The White Dragon
James Tiptree Jr.-Up the Walls of the World
Winner Arthur C.Clarke-The Fountains of Paradise (Fântânile Paradisului) Multistar (1993)
John Varley-Titan
Thomas M.Disch-On Wings of Song
Frederik Pohl-Jem
Patricia A.McKillip-Harpist in the Wind
Winner Joan D.Vinge-The Snowqueen (Regina Zăpezilor) Pygmalion (1996)
Frederik Pohl-Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (Heechee II:Dincolo de Orizontul Alabastru) Nemira (2009)
Larry Niven-The Ringworld Engineers (Inginerii Lumii Inelare) Teora (1997)
John Varley-Wizard
Robert Silverberg-Lord Valentine’s Castle
Winner C.J.Cherryh-Downbelow Station (Stația Planetară a Lumii de Jos) Pygmalion
Gene Wolfe-The Claw of the Conciliator (Gheara Conciliatorului) Leda (2009)
Clifford D.Simak-Project Pope
Julian May-The Many-Coloured Land
John Crowley-Little,Big
Winner Isaac Asimov-Foundation’s Edge (Marginea Fundației) Nemira (1995), Teora (2003)
Arthur C.Clarke-2010:Odyssey Two (2010:A Doua Odisee Spațială) Olimp (1994)
Donald M.Kingsbury-Courtship Rite
Robert Heinlein-Friday
C.J.Cherryh-The Pride of Chanur
Gene Wolfe-The Sword of the Lictor
Winner David Brin-Startide Rising
Isaac Asimov-The Robots of Dawn (Roboții Zorilor) Teora
John Varley-Millennium
Anne McCaffrey-Moreta:Dragomlady of Pern
R.A.MacAvoy-Tea with the Black Dragon
Winner William Gibson-Neuromancer (Neuromantul) Cristian (2000), Univers (2008), Leda (2005)
Vernor Vinge-The Peace War
David R.Palmer-Emergence
Larry Niven-The Integral Trees
Robert Heinlein-Job:A Comedy of Justice
Winner Orson Scott Card-Ender’s Game (Jocul lui Ender) Nemira (1995,2005)
David Brin-The Postman (Poștașul) Baricada (1993), Image (1999)
Larry Niven & Jerry Pornelle-Footfall
C.J.Cherryh-Cuckoo’s Egg
Greg Bear-Blood Music
Winner Orson Scott Card-Speaker for the Dead (Vorbitor în Numele Morților) Nemira (1995,2005)
William Gibson-Count Zero (Contele Zero) Fahrenheit (1999)
Bob Shaw-The Ragged Astronauts (Astronauții Zdrențăroși) Pygmalion (2001)
Vernor Vinge-Marooned in Real Time
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard-Black Genesis
Winner David Brin-The Uplift War (Războiul Elitelor) Pygmalion (1998)
Gene Wolfe-The Urth of the New Sun
George Alec Effinger-When Gravity Fails
Orson Scott Card-Seventh Sun
Greg Bear-The Forge of God
Winner C.J.Cherryh-Cyteen/The Betrayal
Lois McMaster Bujold-Falling Free
Bruce Sterling-Islands in the Net
William Gibson-Mona Lisa Overdrive
Orson Scott Card-Red Prophet
Winner Dan Simmons-Hyperion (Hyperion) Nemira (2008)
Sheri S.Tepper-Grass
George Alec Effinger-A Fire in the Sun
Orson Scott Card-Prentice Alvin
Poul Anderson-The Boat of a Million Years
Winner Lois McMaster Bujold-The Vor Game
Dan Simmons-The Fall of Hyperion (Căderea lui Hyperion) Nemira (2009)
Michael P.Kube-McDowell-The Quiet Pools
Greg Bear-Queen of Angels
David Brin-Earth
Winner Lois McMaster Bujold-Barrayar
Orson Scott Card-Xenocide (Xenocid) Nemira (1996)
Michael Swanwick-Stations of the Tide
Anne McCaffrey-All the Weyrs of Pern
Emma Bull-Bone Dance
Joan D.Vinge-The Summer Queen
Winner Vernor Vinge-A Fire Upon the Deep (Focul din Adânc) Nemira (2009)
Winner Connie Willis-Doomsday Book (Doomsday Book) Pygmalion (2002)
Kim Stanley Robinson-Red Mars (Marte Roșu) Nemira (2006)
John Varley-Steel Beach
Maureen F.McHugh-China Mountain Zhang
Winner Kim Stanley Robinson-Green Mars (Marte Verde) Nemira (2006)
William Gibson-Virtual Light (Lumină Virtuală) Nemira (1995)
Nancy Kress-Beggars in Spain
David Brin-Glory Season
Greg Bear-Moving Mars
Winner Lois McMaster Bujold-Mirror Dance (Dans în Oglindă) Nemira (1997)
John Barnes-Mother of Storms (Uraganele) Nemira (1999)
James Morrow-Towing Jehovah
Nancy Kress-Beggars and Choosers
Michael Bishop-Brittle Innings
Winner Neal Stephenson-The Diamond Age (Era de Diamant) Image (1999)
Connie Willis-Remake (Remake) Pygmalion (2005)
Robert James Sawyer-The Terminal Experiment (Alegerea lui Hobson) Nemira (2008)
Stephen Baxter-The Time Ships (Corăbiile Timpului) Nemira (2000)
David Brin-Brightness Reef
Winner Kim Stanley Robinson-Blue Mars (Marte Albastru) Nemira (2006)
Robert J.Sawyer-Starplex
Elizabeth Moon-Remnant Population
Lois McMaster Bujold-Memory
Bruce Sterling-Holy Fire
Winner Joe Haldeman-Forever Peace (Pace Eternă) Teora (1999)
Dan Simmons-The Rise of Endymion
Walter Jon Williams-City on Fire
Michael Swanwick-Jack Faust
Robert J.Sawyer-Frameshift
Winner Connie Willis-To Say Nothing of the Dog
Robert J.Sawyer-Factoring Humanity
Bruce Sterling-Distraction
Robert Charles Wilson-Darwinia
Mary Doria Russell-Children of God
Winner Vernor Vinge-A Deepness in the Sky (Adâncurile Cerului) Nemira (2010)
Joanne Katherine Rowling-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter și Prizonierul din Azkaban) Egmont (1997)
Lois McMaster Bujold-A Civil Campaign
Neal Stephenson-Cryptonomicon
Greg Bear-Darwin’s Radio
Winner J.K.Rowling-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter și Pocalul de Foc) Egmont (2007)
George R.R.Martin-A Storm of Swords (Cântec de Gheață și Foc III:Iureșul Săbiilor) Nemira (2009)
Robert J.Sawyer-Calculating God (Programatorul Divin) Leda (2009)
Ken MacLeod-The Sky Road
Nalo Hopkinson-Midnight Robber
Winner Neil Gaiman-American Gods (Zei Americani) Tritonic (2005)
China Mieville-Perdido Street Station (Stația Pierzaniei) Tritonic (2005)
Lois McMaster Bujold-The Curse of Chalion (Blestemul Chalionului) Tritonic (2007)
Ken MacLeod-Cosmonaut Keep
Connie Willis-Passage
Robert Charles Wilson-The Chronoliths
Winner Robert J.Sawyer-Hominids
China Mieville-The Scar (Cicatricea) Tritonic (2006)
Kim Stanley Robinson-The Year of Rice and Salt
David Brin-Kil’n People
Michael Swanwick-Bones of the Earth
Winner Lois McMaster Bujold-Paladin of Souls (Paladinul Sufletelor) Tritonic (2009)
Charles Stross-Singularity Sky (Spațiul Singularității) Tritonic (2008)
Dan Simmons-Ilium (Ilion) Nemira (2008)
Robert Charles Wilson-Blind Lake
Robert J.Sawyer-Humans
Winner Susanna Clarke-Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell (Jonathan Strange și Mr.Norrell) Rao (2007)
China Mieville-Iron Council (Consiliul de Fier) Tritonic (2007)
Charles Stross-Iron Sunrise (Răsărit de Fier) Tritonic (2009)
Iain M.Banks-The Algebraist
Ian McDonald-River of Gods
Winner Robert Charles Wilson-Spin (Turbion) Nemira (2008)
George R.R.Martin-A Feast For Crows (Festinul Ciorilor) Nemira (2009)
John Scalzi-Old Man’s War (Războiul Bătrânilor) Millennium Press (2008)
Charles Stross-Accelerando
Ken MacLeod-Learning the World
Winner Vernor Vinge-Rainbows End
Naomi Novik-His Majesty’s Dragon
Charles Stross-Glasshouse
Peter Watts-Blindsight
Michael F. Flynn-Eifelheim
Winner Michael Chabon-The Yiddish Policemen’s Union
Charles Stross-Halting State
John Scalzi-The Last Colony
Robert J.Sawyer-Rollback
Ian McDonald-Brasyl
Winner Neil Gaiman-The Graveyard Book
Neal Stephenson-Anathem
Cory Doctorow-Little Brother
Charles Stross-Saturn’s Children
John Scalzi-Zoe’s Tale
posted by liviu
Bravo, cool initiativa ! Cu povestirile o sa fie mai greu…
O sa fie, intr-adevar, dar deja am scrise premiile Hugo si Nebula pentru Short Prose si se stie cam ce a fost tradus la noi si unde a aparut (multumesc foarte mult domnului Stefan Ghidoveanu pentru appendix-ul de la finalul Istoriei SF-ului Modern-Jacques Sadoul, de la editura Vremea), pana spre anul 2000.
Pentru ce nu se stie, asteptam completari.
And, by the way, urmeaza Nebula pentru roman
John Brunner-The Squares of the City(Orasul ca un joc de sah – Editura Ovidiu 1994)
@ Aspoiu.Lista asta are, in plus fata de wiki, semnalate aparitiile in limba romana.
Erasi mai fain daca erau evidentiate cu o alta culoare de exemplu.
Neuromantul a mai aparut si la Leda in 2005, in defuncta colectie „Galeria fantastica”
A mai aparut si in defuncta colectie Literatura a defunctului ziar Cotidianul, daca e sa mentionam toate editiile.
@ Jeje & Jujuman-Multumesc pentru informatii!
@ Sol-Neuromantul a aparut cu ziarul Cotidianul, e adevarat, dar cartile din aceasta colectie erau editate de editura Univers, ziarul asigura publicitatea si distribuirea acestor carti, de aceea am trecut editura Univers.