[..] It was an orgy. It was a binge. It was glorious excess, my lowest consumerist impulses turned up to eleven. I saw it in the eyes of the clerks: the crazy rich girl was on a roll. [..]
[..] The waiter came by before I could follow up on that, two pizzas literally piping on his tray. The smell of hot cheese and tomatoes derailed any train of thought I’d had, and I descended into making yum-yum noises for the next fifteen minutes. [..]
[..] He nodded. “I don’t believe any woman with necklines that low quotes Aquinas without a motive.” [..]
[..] Only he seemed awkward and diffident. I thought it was about me until she detached from my arm, went to him, and kissed him hello. It involved some unsubtle groping and went on long enough that I got my jaw closed again. I saw one of the bellhops watching us with bare envy on his face. [..]
Franturi din primele trei romane din seria Black Sun’s Daughter, o bijuterie urban fantasy de la M. L. N. Hanover. Pardon, Daniel Abraham. Asta ca raspuns la intrebarea de vineri a lui Silviu. Acest quartet pana acum s-a dovedit a fi excelent, o aditie placuta intr-un domeniu care pe mine nu ma atrage aproape deloc. Ca intotdeauna, un personaj
pur si inocent tanar si neprihanit e adus cu forta in lumea mistica ce se ascunde pe sub fatada realitatii. Mosteniri fabuloase, o initiere abrupta, misiuni periculoase, planuri si twisturi cat cuprinde, cartile ating mai toate punctele cheie din genre, insa o fac cu stil si nu se impotmolesc in clisee.
Personajele sunt adorabile, niciunul nu ramane un arhetip, cu totii devin neobisnuit de placuti pe parcursul seriei, proza si dialogurile sunt de mana intai, chiar am ramas surprins uneori de imaginile create de autor sau replicile sarcastice lasate in aer, iar povestile decurg mai mult decat satisfacator, nu te plictisesti de-a lungul drumului, chiar daca unele twisturi se vad inca din primele pagini si asta mi-a scazut notabil din placerea lecturii. E mai light decat imi place mie, dar se misca rapid si e extrem de distractiv, aproape abuzand de momente epice. Peste primele trei Dresden, aproape de cele doua Sandman. Killing Rites, volumul final, este un sfarsit propice seriei, mult mai relaxat decat primele trei carti, mai sentimental si filozofic, insa rezolvand micile mistere adunate de-a lungul anilor reuseste sa multumeasca [mai] pe toti.
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sa aveti parte numai de carti placute.