Winner  Joan D.Vinge-Snow Queen I: The Snowqueen (Regina Zăpezilor)  Pygmalion (1996) 

Frederik Pohl-Heechee II: Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (Heechee II: Dincolo de Orizontul Alabastru)  Nemira (2009)

Larry Niven-Ringworld II: The Ringworld Engineers (Inginerii Lumii Inelare)  Teora (1997)

Gregory Benford-Timescape (Natură Moartă cu Timp/Timperfect) Nemira (1995,2006)

Philip Jose Farmer-Riverworld IV: The Magic Labyrinth (Lumea Fluviului IV: Labirintul Magic) Nemira (2007)

Orson Scott Card-Songmaster (Stăpânul Cântecelor) Nemira (2008)

John Varley-Gaea II: Wizard

Walter S. Tevis-Mockingbird

C.J. Cherryh-Serpent’s Reach

Stephen King-Firestarter

Robert A. Heinlein-The Number of the Beast

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Darkover XIV: Two to Conquer

Octavia Estelle Butler-Patternists IV: Wild Seed

Alfred Bester-Golem100

Robert Lull Forward-Cheela I: Dragon’s Egg

Martha Randall-Dangerous Games

Norman Spinrad-Songs from the Stars

Michael Bishop-Eyes of Fire

Ian Watson-The Gardens of Delight

Keith Roberts-Molly Zero

James P. Hogan-Thrice Upon a Time

M.A. Foster-Waves

Jean Lorrah & Jacqueline Lichtenberg-Sime/Gen III: First Channel

John Shirley-City Come A-Walkin’


Winner  Julian May-Pliocene Exiles I: The Many-Coloured Land

C.J.Cherryh-Company Wars I: Downbelow Station (Stația Planetară a Lumii de Jos)  Pygmalion

Frank Herbert-Dune IV: God Emperor of Dune (Împăratul Zeu al Dunei) Nemira (2005)

Philip K. Dick-Valis II: The Divine Invasion (Invazia Divină) Clasic (1994)

Philip K. Dick-Valis I: Valis

Clifford D.Simak-Project Pope

A.A. Attanasio-Radix

Russell Hoban-Ridley Walker

George R.R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle-Windhaven

Larry Niven & Steven Barnes-Dream Park I: Dreampark

Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle-Oath of Fealty

Frederik Pohl-The Cool War

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Darkover XV: Sharra’s Exile

Jack Vance-Demon Princes V: The Book of Dreams

Elizabeth A. Lynn-The Sardonyx Net

Jerry Pournelle-CoDominium I: A Spaceship for the King/King David’s Spaceship

Joe Haldeman-Worlds I: Worlds-A Novel of the Near Future

Hilbert Schenck-At the Eye of the Ocean

Philip Jose Farmer-The Unreasoning Mask

Ben Bova-Voyagers I: Voyagers

Janet Morris-Kerrion Empire I: Dream Dancer

C.J. Cherryh-Compact Space I: The Pride of Chanur

C.J. Cherryh-Wave Without a Shore

James E. Gunn-The Dreamers/The Mind Master

Suzette Haden Elgin-Ozark Fantasy I: Twelve Fair Kingdoms

James P. Hogan-Giants III: Giant’s Star

Christopher Priest-The Affirmation

Ian Watson-Deathhunter

Jack Laurence Chalker-Four Lords of the Diamond I: Lilith-A Snake in the Grass

Dean Charles Ing-Quantrill I: Systemic Shock

Phyllis Eisenstein-In the Hands of Glory


Winner  Isaac Asimov-Foundation VI: Foundation’s Edge (Marginea Fundației)  Nemira (1995), Teora (2003) 

Arthur C.Clarke-Space Odyssey II: 2010-Odyssey Two (2010:A Doua Odisee Spațială)  Olimp (1994)

Brian Wilson Adiss- Helliconia  Trilogy I: Helliconia Spring (Helliconia Primăvara) Dante (1995)

Frank Herbert-The White Plague (Ciuma Albă) Uranus (1994)

Douglas Adams-Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Universe III: Life, the Universe and Everything (Ghidul Autostopistului Galactic-Viața, Universul și Tot Restul) Nemira (2005)

Michael Bishop-No Enemy But Time

Donald M.Kingsbury-Courtship Rite

Robert Heinlein-Friday

C.J. Cherryh-Compact Space I: The Pride of Chanur

C.J. Cherryh-Company Wars II: Merchanter’ s Luck

Anne McCaffrey-Crystal Singer I: The Crystal Singer

Frederick Pohl-Starburst

Julian May-Pliocene Exiles II: The Golden Torc

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Darkover XVI: Hawkmistress!

John Thomas Sladek-Roderick

Roger Zelazny-Eye of Cat

Larry Niven & Steven Barnes-The Descent of Anansi

Spider Robinson-Deathkiller I: Mindkiller

Hilbert Schenck-A Rose for Armageddon

Fred Saberhagen & Roger Zelazny-Coils

Marvin Nathan Kaye & Parke Godwin-Masters of Solitude II: Wintermind

Mike Resnick-Far Future History I: Birthright-The Book of Man

R.A. Lafferty-Aurelia

Somtow Papinian Sucharitkul-Inquestor I: Light on the Sound

Alan Dean Foster-Humanx Commonwealth III: Nor Crystal Tears

Paul Osborne Williams-Pelbar IV: The Fall of the Shell


Winner  David Brin-Uplift II: Startide Rising 

Isaac Asimov-The Robots of Dawn (Roboții Zorilor)  Teora

Brian Aldiss-Helliconia Trilogy II: Helliconia Summer (Helliconia Vara) Dante (1995)

Poul Anderson-Orion Shall Rise (Orion Va Răsări) Fahrenheit (1998)

Philip Jose Farmer-Riverworld V: Gods of Riverworld (Lumea Fluviului V: Zeii Lumii Fluviului) Nemira (2008)

John Varley-Millennium

Anne McCaffrey-Renegades of Pern I: Moreta-Dragonlady of Pern

Gene Wolfe-Urth: Book of the New Sun IV: The Citadel of the Autarch

Gregory Benford-Jupiter Project II: Against Infinity

Norman Spinrad-The Void Captain’s Tale

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Darkover XVI: Thendara House

Julian May-Pliocene Exiles III: The Nonborn King

Vonda N. McIntyre-Superluminal

Kate Wilhelm-Welcome, Chaos

John Brunner-The Crucible of Time

Joe Haldeman-Worlds II: Worlds Apart

Joe Haldeman & Jack Carroll Haldeman II-There Is No Darkness

Robert Silverberg-Lord Valentine III: Valentine Pontifex

C.J. Cherryh-Forty Thousand in Gehenna

David Gerrold-War Against the Chtorr I: A Matter for Men

John Calvin Batchelor-The Birth of the People’s Republic of Antarctica

Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl-Saga of Cuckoo II: Wall Around a Star

Mary Gentle-Golden Witchbreed I: Golden Witchbreed

Paul Preuss-Broken Symmetries

John Sladek-Roderick at Random

John Sladek-Tik-Tok

James P. Hogan-Code of the Lifemaker I: Code of the Lifemaker

M.A. Foster-Morphodite II: Transfomer


Winner  Larry Niven-Known Space I: The Integral Trees

Frederik Pohl-Heechee III: Heechee Rendezvous (Heechee III: Întâlnire cu Heechee) Nemira (2009)

William Gibson-Neuromancer (Neuromantul)  Cristian (2000), Univers (2008)

Frank Herbert-Dune V: Heretics of Dune (Ereticii Dunei) Nemira (2005)

John Varley-Gaea III: Demon

Samuel R. Delany-Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of  Sand

C.J. Cherryh-Compact Space II: Chanur’s Venture

Gregory Benford-Galactic Center II: Across the Sea of Suns

Harry Harrison-Eden I: West of Eden

Gordon R. Dickson-Childe Cycle VII: The Final Encyclopedia

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Darkover XIX: City of Sorcery

Kim Stanley Robinson-Icehenge

Kim Stanley Robinson-Three Californias I: The Wild Shore

Vernor Vinge-Across Real Time I: The Peace War

Joan D. Vinge-Snow Queen II: World’s End

Octavia E. Butler-Patternists V: Clay’s Ark

Julian May-Pliocene Exiles IV: The Adversary

David R. Palmer-Emergence

David Gerrold-War Against the Chtorr II: A Day for Damnation

Suzette Haden Elgin-Native Tongue I: Native Tongue

Lucius Shepard-Green Eyes

Gene Wolfe-Free Live Free

Francis Marion Busby-Holzein Dynasty I: The Star Rebel

Kevin Wayne Jetter-Doctor Adder I: Doctor Adder

Jack Dann-The Man Who Melted

Christopher Priest-The Glamour

David Brin-The Practice Effect

Hilbert Schenck-Steam Bird

Howard Waldrop-Them Bones

Richard A. Lupoff-Twin Planets I: Circumpolar!


Winner  David Brin-The Postman (Poștașul Vine După Apocalips/Poștașul)  Baricada (1993), Image (1999)

Orson Scott Card-Ender’s Game (Jocul lui Ender)  Nemira (1995,2005)

Isaac Asimov-R. Daneel Olivaw IV: Robots and Empire (Roboții și Imperiul) Teora (1997)

Tim Powers-Dinner at Deviant’s Palace (Palatul Mutantului) Baricada (1994)

Carl Sagan-Contact (Contact) Nemira (2006)

Philip Jose Farmer-Dayworld  I: Dayworld (Dayworld) Lucman (2000)

Gregory Benford-Artifact (Artifact) Pygmalion (2002)

Frank Herbert-Dune VI: Chapterhouse-Dune (Canonicatul Dune) Nemira (2005)

Larry Niven & Jerry Pornelle-Footfall

Brian Aldiss-Helliconia Trilogy III: Helliconia Winter

Robert A. Heinlein-The Cat Who Walks Through Walls: A Comedy of Manners

James Tiptree Jr.-Brightness Falls from the Air

C.J. Cherryh- Age of Exploration III: Cuckoo’s Egg

C.J. Cherryh-Compact Space III: The Kif Strike Back

Ursula K. LeGuin-Always Coming Home

Greg Bear-Eon I: Eon

Greg Bear-Blood Music

James P. Hogan-The Proteus Operation

Kim Stanley Robinson-The Memory of Whiteness

Bruce Sterling-Mechanist Shapers I: Schismatrix

Charles Sheffield-Between the Strokes of Night/Between the Strokes of Midnight

Michael Bishop-Ancient of Days

Michael P. Kube-McDowell-Trigon Disunity I: Emprise

Norman Spinrad-Child of Fortune

Robert Silverberg-Tom O’Bedlam

Robert L. Forward-Cheela II: Starquake

Keith Roberts-Kiteworld

Barry N. Malzberg-The Remaking of Sigmund Freud

Melissa Scott-Roads of Heaven I: Five-Twelfts of Heaven

Somtow Sucharitkul-Inquestor IV: The Darkling Wind


Winner  Orson Scott Card-Ender Wiggin II: Speaker for the Dead (Saga lui Ender II: Vorbitor în Numele Morților)  Nemira (1995,2005)

William Gibson-Sprawl II: Count Zero (Contele Zero)  Fahrenheit (1999)

Bob Shaw-Land and Overland I: The Ragged Astronauts (Astronauții Zdrențăroși)  Pygmalion (2001)

Gregory Benford & David Brin-The Heart of the Comet (Inima Cometei) Valdo (1994)

Margaret Atwood-The Handmaid’s Tale (Galaad 2195/Povestea Cameristei) Univers (1995), Leda (2006)

Isaac Asimov-Foundation VII: Foundation and Earth (Fundația și Pământul) Nemira (1994), Teora (2003)

Arthur C. Clarke-The Songs of Distant Earth: And Other Stories (Cântecele Îndepărtatului Pământ) Miron (1997)

Walter Jon Williams-Hardwired I: Hardwired (Supercablat) Nemira (1996)

Vernor Vinge-Across Real Time II: Marooned in Real Time

C.J. Cherryh-Compact Space IV: Chanur’s Homecoming

Frederik Pohl-The Coming of the Quantum Cats

Mike Resnick-Far Future History II: Santiago-A Myth of the Far Future

Michael P. Kube-McDowell-Trigon Disunity II: Enigma

George Alec Effinger-Marid Audran I: When Gravity Fails

Marjorie Bradley Kellogg & William B. Rossow-Lear’s Daughter (The Wave and the Flame+Reign of Fire)

Robert Silverberg-Star of Gypsies

Anne McCaffrey-Renegades of Pern II: Nerilka’s Story-A Pern Adventure

Lois McMaster Bujold-Miles Vorkosigan II: The Warrior’s Apprentice

Donald MacDonald Kingsbury-The Moon Godess and the Son

Steven R. Boyett-The Architect of Sleep

Pamela Sargent-Venus (Sargent) I: Venus of Dreams

Charles Sheffield-The Nimrod Hunt

James Morrow-This Is the Way the World Ends

Jack McDevitt-The Hercules Text

Gordon R. Dickson-The Forever Man

F.M. Busby-Holzein Dynasty IV: Rebel’s Seed          


Winner  David Brin-Uplift III: The Uplift War (Războiul Elitelor) Pygmalion (1998)

Arthur C. Clarke-Space Odyssey III: 2061-Odysset Three (2061: A Treia Odisee Spațială) Olimp (1994)

Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle & Steven Barnes-Heorot I: The Legacy of Heorot (Heorot I: Moștenirea Heorot) Nemira (2008)

Norman Spinrad-Little Heroes (Mașinăria Rock and Roll) Nemira (1993)

Ken Grimwood-Replay (Replay) Nemira (2007)

George Alec Effinger-Marid Audran I: When Gravity Fails

Frederik Pohl-Heechee IV: The Annals of the Heechee

Gene Wolfe-Urth: Book of the New Sun V: The Urth of the New Sun

Greg Bear- Forge of God I: The Forge of God

Lucius Shepard-Life During Wartime

Michael Swanwick-Vacuum Flowers

Larry Niven-Known Space III: The Smoke Ring

Gregory Benford-Galactic Center III: Great Sky River

Robert A. Heinlein-To Sail Beyond the Sunset

Mike McQuay-Memories

Patricia A. McKillip-Fool’s Run

Michael Bishop-Philip K. Dick Is Dead, Alas/The Secret Ascension

Stephen King-The Tommyknockers

Octavia E. Butler-Xenogenesis I: Dawn

Julian May-Intervention III: Intervention

Sheri S. Tepper-After Long Silence

Sheri S. Tepper-The Awakeners (Northshore+Southshore)

James White-Sector General IX: Code Blue-Emergency

Gordon R. Dickson-Way of the Pilgrim

Jack Vance-Cadwal Chronicles I: Araminta Station

Walter Jon Williams-Hardwired II: Voice of the Whirlwind

Hal Clement-Still River

Richard Bowker-Dover Beach

Richard Grant-Rumors of Spring

Christopher Hinz-Paratwa I: Liege-Killer

Celia S. Friedman-In Conquest Born I: In Conquest Born

Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons-Watchmen

Lisa Goldstein-A Mask for the General


Winner  C.J.Cherryh-Cyteen (The Betrayal+The Rebirth)

Isaac Asimov-Foundation I: Prelude to Foundation (Preludiul Fundației) Nemira (1993), Teora (2002)

Greg Bear-Eon II: Eternity (Eternitate) Nemira (1995)

William Gibson-Sprawl III: Mona Lisa Overdrive

Bruce Sterling-Island in the Net

Kim Stanley Robinson-Three Californias II: The Gold Coast

Anne McCaffrey-Renegades of Pern III: Dragonsdawn

Lewis Shiner-Deserted Cities of the Heart

Lois McMaster Bujold-Miles Vorkosigan III: Falling Free

Lois McMaster Bujold- Miles Vorkosigan V: Brothers in Arms

Bruce Sterling-Islands in the Net

Jack Vance-Cadwal Chronicles I: Araminta Station

Michael P. Kube-McDowell-Alternities

Octavia E. Butler-Xenogenesis II: Adulthood Rites

Joan D. Vinge-Cat II: Catspaw

Robert Silverberg-New Springtime I: At Winter’s End

Mike Resnick-Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future

Rudy Rucker-Ware II: Wetware

Kate Wilhelm-Crazy Time

Pamela Sargent-Venus (Sargent) II: Venus of Shadows

Roger MacBride Allen-Orphan of Creation

Sheri S. Tepper-The Gate to Women’s Country

Iain M. Banks-Culture II: The Player of Games

Marc Laidlaw-Neon Lotus

Janet Kagan-Hellspark

Hilbert Schenck-Chronosequence

John Brunner-Children of the Thunder

Terry Bisson-Fire on the Mountain

Jack Womack-Ambient II: Terraplane

Paul Preuss-Starfire

Nancy Kress-An Alien Light

Joe Clifford Faust-The Company Man


Winner  Dan Simmons-Hyperion I: Hyperion (Hyperion)  Nemira (2008)

Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee-Rama II: Rama II (Rama II) Multistar (1995), Lucman (2002)

John Kessel-Good News from Outer Space (Vești Bune din Spațiul Extraterestru) Nemira (1997)

Stanislaw Lem-Eden (Eden) Nemira (1998)

C.J.. Cherryh-Company Wars III: Rimrunners

Sheri S.Tepper-Grass

Gregory Benford-Galactic Center IV: Tides of Light

George Alec Effinger-Marin Audran II: A Fire in the Sun

Poul Anderson-The Boat of a Million Years

Emma Bull-Falcon

Dan Simmons-Phases of Gravity

Pat Murphy-The City, Not Long After

Octavia E. Butler-Xenogenesis III: Imago

Jack McDevitt-Alex Benedict I: A Talent for War

R.A. MacAvoy-Damiano IV: The Third Eagle

Joe Haldeman-Buying Time/The Long Habit of Living

Frederik Pohl-Homegoing

Rebecca Ore-Becoming Alien II: Being Alien

K.W. Jeter-Farewell Horizontal

Ian McDonald-Out on Blue Six

Allen Steele-Near-Space I: Orbital Decay

Geoff Ryman-The Child Garden

Paul Park-Starbridge Chronicles II: Sugar Rain

Neal Barrett Jr.-Through Darkest America II: Dawn’s Uncertain Light

Robert Reed-Black Milk

Dave Wolverton-On My Way to Paradise

Anne McCaffrey-The Renegades of Pern (Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern+Nerilka’s Story: A Pern Adventure+Dragonsdawn)

Robert Silverberg-The Queen of Springtime/The New Springtime

Posted by Liviu

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